Saturday, January 29, 2011

Many U.S. universities Intel will invest 100 million U.S. dollars of research funds

 SAN FRANCISCO January 27 morning news, Intel announced today that in the next 5 years, many universities in the United States invested $ 100 000 000 research projects funded.

start from Stanford University, Intel plans in the United States 6-7 Intel founders of the University Technology Centre (Intel Science and Technology Center). Previously, Intel's main research funding allocated to the Research Center at the University of Intel scientists.

Intel CTO Justin Rattner (Justin Rattner) said, with this new project, teachers and graduate students will receive more research funding. Ratner said: that universities have the opportunity to help recover. For example, Stanford University will focus on the user's visual computing experience. Ratner said he was willing to listen to ideas different from the research universities, and that part of the project to focus on aware computing (perceptual computing), mobile computing and security.

the most promising academic fields.

each of the universities involved in the project will receive annual funding of $ 2,500,000, when the length is 5 years. Ratner noted that after 3 years, scholars and Intel executives will sit together on these projects have continued value.

Intel Research Laboratory has already spent more than a lot of energy. Last July, the company announced the creation of a new laboratory, and focus on the future computer users will use. (Seasonal)

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